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Old 30 April 2021, 09:58   #94
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Join Date: Sep 2013
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is it to be expected that some games from 2000-2005 also is going to be converted
Neither of those games have any sort of usable "open source engine" like GemRB for Infinity Engine games, like OpenRA for Command and Conquer and Red alert, VCMI for Heroes 3 or RttR for Settlers II. And as far as I know most of those are plagued with some bugs and with not enough hands to fix those anytime soon. With games which doesn't have any open source engine available it's basically enormous PITA to get anything at all working under different architecture. It either requires a lot of computing power to emulate things (that's how console emulator works - some embedded into newer version of the old ones) or requires extremely time consuming reverse engineering from binary (first decompile then fix the mess it creates and workaround things it decompiles wrong). The first approach - buffee isn't THAT powerful. The second approach - basically nobody has time, patience and knowledge to do this right.
So... no, I wouldn't expect sudden increase of good old games (late 90s and further). There might be a decent power for some open source re-implementations as mentioned above so... C&C probably up to Tiberian Sun, all Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale except BG3 ... and so on. Maybe even Jedi Knight (as it already runs on PPC). With with every of those you'd need decent RTG and with 3D titles - Warp3D capable RTG. Which buffee does not offer (but actually there's iirc PowerVR chip inside).
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