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Old 27 April 2021, 10:44   #9
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Originally Posted by aeberbach View Post
I had a MiSTer with all the trimmings but it was not for me. The Raspberry Pi 400 is a great bit of hardware for emulating Amiga and quite a bit cheaper. It's also useful for other things when you're not doing Amiga emulation. Should be available worldwide in localized keyboard.

Of course as soon as you buy one they will release a new one with double the RAM or higher clock speed or something, but that's progress.

easy: [ Show youtube player ]

He talks about PiMiga when it was an earlier version. It now works fine on Pi400 and you don't need to go through another Pi first. I went for the whole 30GB download and am pretty happy with it!
Originally Posted by Dunny View Post
Although FPGA isn't strictly emulation, it's driven by it - most of the undocumented chipset features in the Amiga were discovered and implemented in emulators, and that information is what the FPGA is generally based on. It means that you get an accurate reproduction, nice hardware bonus features (such as proper scrolling etc) but if there are holes or bugs in the emulators then that carries through to the FPGA.

The Pi400 is an excellent choice for emulation of the Amiga, and getting better all the time. The MiSTer is nice, but you don't get as much raw speed and you're not likely to, either.

Do either of you get audio glitches with the pi 400? Running WinUAE and there is really bad audio (and a few video glitches) for me especially when running above "normal" speed. The problem is running WinUAE with exact cycles is painfully slow and also won't run the pimiga image very well. So I'm reluctant to go with another software emulation solution.
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