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Old 20 April 2021, 18:41   #43
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Originally Posted by d4rk3lf View Post
It would be very interesting if someone could make a Lightwave benchmark, and compare the speed of rendering (the same scene) on 030 vs 040 vs 060.
Personally, for 3D scenes, I think it's more of a RAM issue, then processor speed. I was very impressed with result my Aca 500 plus (68000 on 14 Mhz) processor did in only 7 minutes, in Real 3D, with default scene (table with teapot), where I just removed bump from teapot (it was ugly, anyway, and only slowing the rendering), and it calculated raytrace reflections and all shadows, so I got very nice 3D render in only 7 minutes.

Even now, and especially back in the day, people were not really capable of optimizing 3D scenes, and they were placing raytrace reflections pretty much anywhere (even in non reflective materials like ground and dirt), and they had enormous render times, for no real reason.

People do that even today.
Because, how can you explain, enormous crying of people that they don't have enough processing power to render something (i see comments on youtube, all the time), and Jurassic Park (1994) was rendered on machines slower then processor on low end mobile phone today, and these renders looks absolutely amazing, even today.
I was a Imagine3d user, (Lightwave not so much). Off the top of my head, 50MHz 060 render times were 5x faster than 50Mhz 030 (Both Blizzards).
Here's a fun little story for ya.
My last big project I ever did on Amiga was a scene with over 330,000 polygons.
You can see screenshots here, including wireframe view from Imagine:
I had 80MB RAM on my Blizzard 1260. I bought the SCSI kit just so that I could get another RAM slot. So I had 64MB on the accelerator and 16MB on the SCSI kit. The scene would run out of RAM if I tried to render it with scanline renderer, but for some reason the raytrace mode worked. Render time was almost 11 days! Yes, thats's on a 060. This was a rev 1 which was quite hot but it didn't overheat. Funny thing was that on the night between day 9 and 10 there was a thunderstorm and the electricity vanished for a fraction of a second and my PC sitting next to the Amiga, rebooted, but the Amiga didn't, it rendered on like a trooper.
Anyway, If I had tried to render this on a 030 it would take roughly 2 months, give or take a few days.
After that I switched to 3dsmax on PC and never did any ambitious 3d work on the Amiga ever again.
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