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Old 11 April 2021, 18:23   #19
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Hey, thanks a lot for your kind words!

I was a bit worried that I might've come off as too harsh in my criticism - I am kind of brutally honest that way, but at least you always know I am speaking the truth.

By the way, your 'Screen 01' picture blew me away! It's definitely the best so far in my opinion, and has a really deep mood and atmosphere. I love silhouette and monochrome pictures (among other things). It's the picture with the great silhouetted moody scenery.

I forgot to mention that you have a knack for creating incredible atmosphere and mood in these pictures - other people have also mentioned 'mood'.. there's something in there. If you can keep this element, being honest and sincere in your work, you'll be able to amaze everyone (and you kinda already are doing that).

I love the forest picture and this 'Screen 01' one the most, they're really moody! Now I want to create something similar (:

How dare you inspire me without permission! (:

Thanks a lot guys.
I think 16 colors are enough for some amazing images
Well, as the old Spectrum has proved over the years, even 2 colors (monochrome) are enough for amazing images, and even 160x200 or 160x240 is enough resolution for amazing images in my opinion.

I once even drew a monochrome picture in 160x240 (:

It's really up to the artist - you can create a moving music piece on 1-channel PC speaker and you can make a radiating picture using only two colors. When you honestly channel your best self into your art, loving what you do, and being excited about your project, the end result has potential to charm the viewer no matter what resolution, color amount or method you use.

I am in a very graphics-appreciative mood right now, because just yesterday, I was shown the most beautiful painting - I am still getting over it, it was so amazing it blew my mind away. It was just a regular oil painting (I think), done by a japanese individual. I can't share it here publically, but if you want to see it, you could send me a private message and then I can ask the painter if I can show it to you.

The point of this off-topic yammering is that it doesn't matter if it's pixel art, painting, scribbling on a note, what resolution, what color amount, as long as you just love what you are creating. I never appreciated paintings -that- much (though I always admired them somewhat), because it's a dead-end for me - I could never even try to dabble in that sort of thing, I am more inclined towards pixel art, music, etc..

I always felt like computer art is closer to being able to express 'anything' more freely - paintings have limitations, they're not 'light', like pixels are, so light effects, glow and such are not as easy to do, etc. But this painting really blew me away - it's basically a simple flower arrangement against yellow background, but something about it just feels almost other-worldly.

So now I have new appreciation for all kinds of art, and looking at your pictures again, I realize I was probably too harsh, they actually do look very good, the candle is very lifelike and the light looks like light. A bit more contrast would serve it well (after all, light is a bright thing that creates deep shadows), but it's a good-looking picture.

Did you ever try monochrome? The challenge is that since there are no colors or even shades, all shading have to be done through 'dithering techniques', and you can make it look like different shades, but it just takes lots of work (and sometimes brain-wrecking experimentation) to get it to look like anything.

I included my monochrome test picture, although it's by no means interesting or good, it's just an experiment - but just to show you how difficult (and yet somewhat possible) it is to try to do 'shading' without colors or shades..

Draw on my Amiga 1200..

P.S. If you don't mind, with Your permission, I'll correct a few words that I think you meant to use instead of the chosen ones.

'bellow' = 'loud deep hollow sound characteristic of a bull'
'below' = 'underneath'

'carrier' = 'One that transports or conveys, a mechanism or device by which something is conveyed or conducted. (as in 'carrier signal')
'career' = 'A chosen pursuit; a profession or occupation.'
Attached Thumbnails
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ID:	71557  

Last edited by Nishicorn; 01 May 2021 at 07:13.
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