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Old 26 March 2021, 23:06   #55
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Originally Posted by Torti-the-Smurf View Post
I did some testing and here are the results Tested on Amiga600 Furia

Version 1.1 is still the best for Furia users. (use CACHE toolype)
(just a super smal glitch in the diamond/stern sequene,thats all)

Version 1.2 give me red screens from time to time that stay for a few seconds and short red flashes.
If i use CACHE there is a short glitch in the TEK logo, plus super short sound stutter at some point in the Demo.

So, FURIA users, use version 1.1 with CACHE

This is something i would recommend WHDLoad beginnners anyway,
dont think that the newest version of a slave is automaticly "the best"
for youre Setup. Sure, try the newest, but keep the old working one, just in case

Here a few examples :

The newest slave of Elfmania glitches the graphics on Furia badly, no matter the Tooltypes.
So i use a older one that works perfectly on Furia !

Another example. The Immortal is with every Slave other that 1.0 a pretty mess, soundwise on the Furia.
So i use the Immortal 1.0 slave version.

I know that was kind a "offtopic" but i wanted to be sure people do not blindly update there Slaves,
thinking the newer is somehow "better".

Use the Slave that works for YOURE system people and give thanks to creators of those Slaves.

So, thank you CFOU! , from the bottom of my little heart for youre time and energy you put into those slaves
AND for the neat icon you made, especially for this stupid Torti Guy

Love you style, CFOU!
You must read the ReadMe file red flashes are caused by lost synchronisations as musics pause...

I can't patch it . This demo push hardware limites.
So it's almost impossible to do a version working perfectly on all config by patches..
Perhaps futurs authors patch...
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