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Old 26 March 2021, 17:17   #84
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Originally Posted by Jobbo View Post
I came up with my own higher precision version in 40bytes. Not sure if anyone can spot some extra size optimizations, it's late here!
I was experimenting with Bhaskara's algorithm today, and with a 64-bit div it could *almost* be done in 32 bytes (it still overflows at +/-pi). It works with rather large numbers (when you include 16384 amplitude and 1024 table size) .
Divisor includes 5*pi^2, and with pi being 512 this is then 327680. Swap does no good (kills precision), numbers have to be further divided by >5, so 8. And then I remembered your code, 40960 and those crazy shifts.

So I've integrated 2 optimizations into your code and it's 38 bytes now:
- first opt is what I said in my previous post (replace multiplication with a1 increments), which then enables
- second opt is that you can replace 40960-a*b with a counter that starts at 40960 (actually 327680=5*65536 pre-shift) and then decrease it by the same amount you increase a*b (which is a1)

	moveq	#0,d0
	moveq	#5,d1
	swap	d1
	move.w	#511+2,a1
.loop	move.l	d0,d3
	move.l	d1,d2
	lsl.l	#8,d3
	lsl.l	#8-3,d3
	lsr.l	#3,d2
	divu.w	d2,d3
	move.w	d3,(a0)+
	neg.w	d3
	move.w	d3,(1022,a0)
	subq.l	#2,a1
	sub.l	a1,d1
	add.l	a1,d0
	bne.b	.loop

Last edited by a/b; 26 March 2021 at 17:37. Reason: typos
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