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Old 12 March 2021, 09:48   #187
Code Fiddler
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Originally Posted by RCK View Post
Good news, I finally installed https for all domains that are on new server
So you can access then with or without encryption.

Be aware that some site like dream17 are linking to some static http ressources (jpg, css) which are blocked by most browsers (blocked:mixed-content).
Those websites should be updated with relative ressources path to render correctly with http + https. (no more src hardcoded like http://my.css, but simply /my.css instead)

Missing other websites will be added as soon as they will be migrated to new server. (sometime in the 6 next months, I hope )
It's been great to see the work undertaken by the team to modernise the server setup. It's never easy updating legacy setups, especially when there's so many of them which have evolved over a long period, with untold amounts of undocumented dependencies, both internal and external!

But can I ask, is the reasoning behind not enforcing SSL now in nginx down to concerns people are using older devices which wouldn't support it, or perhaps that there are other sites still using arbitrary HTTP links? No biggie as such, but it's easy to forget to manually add the HTTPS in the address bar if typing the URL.
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