Thread: PDOS for Amiga
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Old 04 March 2021, 00:36   #26
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Originally Posted by kerravon View Post
My derivative of GCC 3.2.3 does not use Unix open() and various other Posix calls. GCC is fundamentally a program that reads a bunch of text files and outputs another text file (an assembler program). This is something that can be done purely using C90, and now it does. My GCC is a single executable, so there is no need to worry about fork()/exec() or even system() to work.
Good job! It means you can compile this GCC version on any system with a working ANSI-C compiler!? That's real portability, and that's how it should have been done from the beginning. Congratulations!

What about the Amiga 1000? Kickstart is not in ROM. How are the sectors of a floppy disk read without Kickstart being available?
There is a small Boot ROM, which can do nothing else than loading 256K of a kickstart disk into the WOM (Write-Once Memory).
You can use it to load your OS instead, but afterwards you still have to do everything yourself.
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