Thread: PDOS for Amiga
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Old 03 March 2021, 10:51   #14
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Originally Posted by kerravon View Post
Is there any reason I shouldn't be targeting AmigaOS classic?

Thanks. Paul.
It depends on your target. If you want to predominantly target Motorola 68K based systems, then Amiga OS Classic (incl. 3.1.4) are the correct choice. If you want to predominantly target PPC based systems, then Amiga OS 4.0 is the correct choice.

However, in both scenarios I'd have a question: in what way is your OS an OS if it requires a pre-installed other OS? If you use the Kickstart functionality for stuff like reading files, etc you pretty much have to run the whole OS for that to correctly work in all circumstances. It's perhaps best pointed out here that Kickstart doesn't just contain a BIOS, but rather contains the actual micro kernel and a bunch of the OS's libraries etc. The traditional BIOS functionality from the PC doesn't exist as such in the Kickstart, it's all mixed in the with the Amiga OS.

Edit: when I reread the above, it dawned on me it may have sounded somewhat harsh. That wasn't the intention, I'm genuinely interested in your reasons for mixing the existing OS with your new OS. Is your goal merely PDS compatibility, or do you want to have your own OS without any of the Amiga OS getting in the way/being used?

Last edited by roondar; 03 March 2021 at 11:02.
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