Thread: PDOS for Amiga
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Old 02 March 2021, 14:05   #1
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PDOS for Amiga


I have written a public domain (not GPL etc) C runtime library (called PDPCLIB) for 8086 and 80836 platforms including MSDOS, Windows, OS/2, Linux, plus mainframe operating systems (MVS, CMS, VSE). You can find that here:

I am considering porting that to the Amiga. Preferably using 68000 instructions. But probably with 32-bit ints.

I have also written my own public domain operating system (called PDOS) which currently runs on 8086, 80386 and S/3X0 (mainframe). It is available at the same link above.

I would like to port that to the Amiga too.

I am interested in using GCC 3.2.3, as I have banged that into C90 shape already.

I am only interested in supporting the C90 language.

I'm not sure if it is technically possible (that's my question), but I was thinking I could start by having a FAT-16 disk (since I already have FAT code) and the "Pos" interface, which is a wrapper on the MSDOS API, and ELF modules, to try to get something operational ASAP.

But eventually I would like to support the normal Amiga file system (instead of FAT), and the AmigaDOS API (whatever that is, I'm not familiar with that), and the Amiga Hunk executable format. Some of this will be limited by availability of tools though, as I don't wish to write my own C compiler, assembler or linker.

The objective is for AmigaPDOS (or whatever it would be called) to be able to rebuild the kernel under AmigaPDOS, as well as being able to rebuild gcc-amiga-pdos.

Note - C90 = ISO C = C89 = ANSI C.

I would like to eventually be in a position where a "hello, world" program could be built on a standard AmigaDOS system, with any compiler (such as SAS/C), but using PDPCLIB as the C runtime library, so that the entire "hello, world" is public domain, and then have that program run unchanged on AmigaPDOS.

It would also be good if the 68000 emulator could address the entire 4 GiB of memory, but 64 MiB is in fact enough to run GCC 3.2.3. It only needs about 23 MiB to rebuild itself with full optimization.

Oh, I'm also not interested in graphics. I am hoping that the Amiga has the ability for an OS to write a character to the screen without needing some sort of graphics library.

Any guidance?

Thanks. Paul.
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