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Old 26 February 2021, 20:12   #4
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Direct answer: no. Protracker doesn't use audio.device, because it's too limited. It's like asking the built-in Windows sound system (the one that reminds you you have a notification) to play DAW music, if you know what I mean.

Something could be explored there perhaps, but... again, direct answer: no.

Detailed answer: There are players that will play a Protracker song for you while using the Amiga normally, though. You could make a script to do the same, and then launch an exe with the tune as background, it's been done before.

Originally Posted by h0ffman View Post
Almost all amiga play routines work by smashing the registers.
If they're well-written, they will use the system to hog the channels for the purpose (and then smash the hardware register just like audio.device does), which means obviously that you can't have anything else playing, but that's about it... no impossibilities there.

Noisetracker was kinda neat on release but didn't add enough to "fork" musicians. Protracker (apparently! ) did, and 2.3D/E/F is now the standard, even though there was 3.x and 4.0. You can convert a Noisetracker song to Protracker and then halve the vibrato (there may be more differences if module author abused the format - this was uncommon in 1989, though.)
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