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Old 26 February 2021, 07:56   #57
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I am just an average user, but I think your father brings out a very interesting points.
Kudos for him remembering stuff after all this years, and still keeping his Amiga 1000.

Indeed, when typing text in Amiga, something felt different, then on other computers. This sounds stupid, I know, but it really is different feel. And yeah, text wasn't clear as on the ugly PC monitors, but if you plugged Amiga to monitor (rather then TV, that had that sort of "hardware blur"), then I guess it would be clear.

However, I do again see Commodore's fault, because I think Amiga, even before 1987, could had some killer business app, like Corel for PC in the early nineties.
Now imagine a BIG presentation, where Amiga is connected with color printer, and shown how easily you can format text, and just drag various images on the screen with mouse, and just print that out.
I also remember some app on my Amiga, where you could easily draw 2 vector images, and it automatically creates morphing animation between them. That was amazing, and never saw anything similar on PC back then. Now, that's not very useful for the "business computer", but vectors itself, is useful for million things.

I am still, a little bit confused, why Amiga did THAT BAD in the US, if not as a working machine, why did it bad as a gaming machine? Was there no single commercial on TV in the US? Was it because of NTSC? Here in Europe, Amiga was "computer from the future".
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