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Old 25 February 2021, 01:13   #42
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Originally Posted by Photon View Post

Your dad is an average American. He just didn't get it. I'm sorry but it just sounds like making up excuses from hindsight.
Did you buy an Amiga in 1985? If not, what one was the first one you got?

I'm pretty sure my dad "gets it".

The Amiga, the very first one and the only one that was available for the first couple years, the Amiga 1000 didn't have a text mode for doing 80 columns (which the C-128, Apple II and IBM PCs had) nor could it do acceptably high resolution graphics non-interlaced out of the box like the Mac had.

As a result, it was at a big disadvantage for spreadsheets, word processors, desktop publishing or most of the other things people in 1985 were using computers for for work.

As a gaming platform, it certainly did thrive for awhile but the origin of this thread was me asking my dad why the Amiga didn't beat out at least the Mac if not the IBM PC.

It's not like my dad is bitter about the Amiga. He has no vested interest. I asked him his opinion and he gave it to me as someone who had one of the very, very first Amigas and got it as a general purpose computer.

I'm not even sure the Amiga could have done anything differently given where monitors were at the time (the Mac was physically integrated into its display at the time). And the ST had a text mode and that didn't save it.

I'm not sure if the Amiga could have had a 512x384 non-interlaced resolution (would it require a special monitor or was it just something that Denise could have had?).

My dad still has his Amiga 1000 btw. He thinks of it quite fondly. He had an Apple II before that and a homebuilt "mainframe" before that along with a NeXTStep later and these days (he's 80+ years old) still messes around with Raspberry pi's and is quick to use his soldering iron on something or other.

@TEG: Thanks for sharing that video. Key moment starts at 19:02.

Last edited by Frogs; 25 February 2021 at 02:16.
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