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Old 22 February 2021, 20:16   #1
J.M.D - Bedroom Musician
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[Brainstorming] Power Drift and pseudo 3D Super Scaler-like circuit games

[EDIT - i modified the title to show what kind of pseudo 3d we are talking about]

Am going to propose a brainstorm to do a decent pseudo 3D circuit game on the style of Power Drift and Victory Heat Rally; target: could be done on AGA but to push the envelope i could say OCS/ECS.

For the frame rate this is the kind of game that if even goes to 25fps should be still enjoyable.

Let's see some previous attempts:

Power Drift [amiga]
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This is well known to be NOT a good port, and i also think there would be a lot to improve: cars are too big, circuit is definitely too tight and tiles are confusing (they wanted to do material on it, i think it adds processor time to draw); with some views slows to a crawl. [that code was ported from ST does not help too]

Drivin Force OCS/ECS
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A bit better: is fast and car size is right but miss in other areas: while tiles are fast circuit here is too large and lack "spectacularity" (no jumps, no real overlapping parts). Then the bouncing and the messy control. Tile design is confusing too
Apparently uses one 7 colors playfield for the circuit enlarged from a quarter screen for speed (not a problem since gives a 'super scaler' feeling) and the player is a sprite.

Victory Heat Rally on PC
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This is on PC therefore not a real comparison could be done but seems to do a lot of things right: small cars, clear tiles design and limited but well selected color palette.

I think something like this could be made on a ECS machine with a more limited field of view: keeping one playfield, the quarter screen enlarged, player car as sprite and competitors as part of the playfield (same as drivin force) should look good and clear; not sure if is possible to use copper to bend vertically screen a bit on curves.

Last edited by saimon69; 23 February 2021 at 19:33. Reason: modified title
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