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Old 17 February 2021, 17:18   #17
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Originally Posted by Pixelfill View Post
slightly OT, but given the knowledge herein is there a suitable interchange format between 3ds (MAX) and Imagine? It would appear that Max cannot output Imagine file format, Can Imagine import anything?
Imagine actually has a dxf importer, a format which 3dsmax can easily export to, but there is one big drawback with the dxf format and that is that the orientation of the faces (triangles) can be randomly interpreted by some software. So if the software you import into doesn't have good options for flipping normals then you'll probably have a model that looks like its full of holes. For renderings, it might still work in some cases where materials can be rendered as double sided, but its not a "fun" model to work with.

Also, I'm pretty sure (but not certain) that Okino's Polytrans used to have support for Imagine's format a long time ago but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Maybe if you can scout a 15 year old version of Polytrans ;-)

Edit: Just saw that Zerec posted a link to AccuTrans 3d. Looks useful for sure.
However note that it reads/writes .iob which is the Imagine Object format. It wont convert an entire scene / project with cameras, lights etc..

Last edited by eXeler0; 17 February 2021 at 17:31.
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