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Old 10 February 2021, 10:15   #41
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Ok I noticed it is laggy between loading pages, no idea why.

I got told off once for not following protocol, so that was my fault, I didn't take it to heart, I do wonder how many times I would be allowed to make errors and what might happen to my account. I had declared interest in something with the seller as opposed to doing it on the thread first. What can I say I was just eager. But I totally understand the strictness.

I was able to make account fine, on the other hand? Nope registered and no one on the admin side authorized it. I tried a whole pile of times as well and it keeps telling me my email has already been registered.

Prices, yeah I don't find it any/much cheaper than ebay. I got a 060 CPU not long ago of ebay and it was probably a little cheaper than people are selling them for on amibay. What can you do???
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