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Old 08 February 2021, 13:19   #62
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Originally Posted by zero View Post
Thank you so much for this. As a coder who used to work with the Amiga I'm really impressed by this, it's really something special!

The stars look like one sprite re-used by the copper, and the effect is really good.

In stage 2 there is a lot of vertical scrolling as well, very impressive as it requires a lot more blitting to keep the scrolling moving, and there is still a lot on screen.

The lasers are very impressive. They are "attached" to the ship so the whole laser is being redrawn as it moves.

There is a lot of collision detection going on as well, would love to know what system is being used for that. Bounding box might be a bit slow for such a large number of objects and there is collision with the background as well as enemies!

The sound is outstanding too, the sounds effects and music are all there and sound great.

Honestly when I saw this I thought maybe it was an 030 and RTG or something, looks more like a PC Engine game.
Thanks for your kind comments.

If you want more information on the tech you also read this thread:

The lasers were relativly easy as they are just a single blitted line. It was even quicker to blit all 5 lasers then the 10 bullets you can have otherwise. On Amiga this was far easier to achive then in the arcade where they had to chain tons of sprites to do so

Regarding collision detection i first tried hashed morton codes, but this was too slow in the end. Then i tried sorted Y buckets, but still too slow. In the end i was using a simple O^N compare but i skipped every 2nd item
and jittered the start item each frame. With enlarged hit boxes this was fast and accurate enough to ship.

The arcade music is technically quite simple, but the compositions are great. So that was fun to redo. The hard part was to recreate the soundfx without sampling them. They have a lot of 'notes', instead of just being noises. Fortunately PreTracker supports having 'patterns' for each sfx and so it was possible to mimick them. In the end all sfx only use 4 or 5 tiny samples alltogether (128 bytes each).

>Honestly when I saw this I thought maybe it was an 030 and RTG or >something, looks more like a PC Engine game.

Thanks I think most PC Engine games could be nicely redone on Amiga..
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