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Old 06 February 2021, 12:56   #23
French in Australia
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The fall of AmiBay

Yes it’s slow.
Yes it’s picky with email addresses (hotmail).
Yes there is now lots of people and it’s hard to be first in line sometimes.
Yes the sellers never look at the « wanted » threads and those threads are a bit useless.
I have purchased there (I’m not a seller, just a hoar.. buyer!) for 10 years without any single issue. Never been cheated, never been scammed.
I’ve bought A LOT on Amibay, and from sellers from every continents, and I missed at least 3 times more sales for coming too late. Lol
The moderation has slightly been reinforced but it doesn’t bother me. The society has changed and the new comers on Amibay don’t read rules and just want to do one sale and go... perhaps more risks but I don’t see the extra-moderation being a real issue...
Now Facebook is taking over but requires to be even faster to react — very hard and frustrating. So be it.
I tend now to buy stuff from people I already bought from and that’s it.
... a new modern server would be a good idea though, but how do you do when everyone expects to have everything for free nowadays ? I wouldn’t mind some advertisement to pay for that, and some premium accounts if you donate so you see less ads... not sure why they don’t go this way...
I still like that it’s still up after so many years.
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