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Old 04 February 2021, 21:46   #32
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Join Date: Sep 2013
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PiSTorm uses an external CPLD to multiplex the limited RPi GPIOs into a 68000 bus
Yes it does but afaik RPI uses polling of it's GPIO pins and elaborate emulation to seek what it actually means and react. GPMC is hardware solution. It - essentially - is external memory interface (which RPi GPIOs are not!) with separate address space so typical mem operations applies directly. So basically you can move data to #adress and it goes directly there (pins are set). With RPi you move data to #address, it is translated to gpio pins config and only after that there are instructions settings I/O registers to simulate address/data lines and control signals. It surely does work but also costs some computing power and additional resources (cpld). Buffee is actually more elegant solution engineering-wise. If newer, more powerful Sitara line SoCs aren't "sell your kidney to get" I'd love to see Van Helsing (or buffee 2)
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