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Old 17 January 2021, 18:55   #40
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Originally Posted by gridrunner-xy View Post
1. IK+
2. Defender of the Crown
3. Speedball 2
4. Lasersquad
5. FA18 Interceptor
This is my favourite top-5 so far. IK+, Interceptor and Lasersquad. All incredible games!

Originally Posted by Antiriad_UK View Post
I find it fascinating that so many people (and me) have Hybris and Battle Squadron so high up and they were early games. For me it was the music. I did a version of Battle Squadron's game over music a few months back because I just think it's perfect. But looking at codetappers web page on how they use sprites elevates it even more.
I enjoyed Hybris but wouldn't be in my top 20. As for Battle Squadron I could never get into it. It looked really good and was very slick and smooth but the gameplay left me cold. Also the power-ups in those games never seemed that impressive or satsfying. It was like they were limited because it had to run at 50fps. Xenon II had those huge side lasers and missile launchers you could get. It's a slower game but more fun.

Originally Posted by Steril707 View Post
Same for me, strangely enough.
When the Amiga released, I thought we'd be showered with amazing action games that look out of this world.

In the end there was maybe a handful of arcade games that were playable and fun.
R-Type was the first arcade game on the A500 along Silkworm and Ninja Warriors where I remembered having fun playing it. Then Turrican1 came along.

It's weird when you know now how capable the hardware is actually.

My top 5:

* Elite (weird colours, but finally a playable frame rate compared to on C64 before)
* R-Type (amazing conversion for the time, remember playing this with friends a lot)
* Interceptor (my game of summer of 1988)
* Bard's Tale 1 (looked to beautiful. Its graphics made me fall in love with the 16 bit machines)
* Warhead (first space sim with missions&story line that I know of)

More of the early games, since I used to play more in that time. Later on I didn't catch up anymore what's new and what not.
I think the problem with the Amiga is that most developers tried to make the graphics good and didn't always worry that much about the gameplay. The screenshots looked great in adverts and maybe that was enough to sell the game. I like Chaos Engine and it's a good looking well made game but put in on the 16bit consoles (As they did) and it becomes a fairly standard game on those in terms of the actual gameplay. But on the Amiga a game like that stands out...

Great list btw - agree Elite on Amiga is very playable and a great game - but yes has a very gaudy colour scheme!
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