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Old 05 January 2021, 00:15   #4
This cat is no more
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WinUAE is very good to re-create the configs and debug them. If it doesn't work on 68010 winuae, just change to 68020 and test. Or 68040+MMU (which detects more things such as illegal read/writes), without changing anything else in the configuration (memory, ...)

Playing should only be done on the real thing

Yeah, definitely interested by the results even if the real process is to create a ticket @ where we could have this conversation without "polluting" EAB.

but for such a fine game such as Rise of the Robots (ECS) I'll make an exception.

F1GP is that one right?
using kick 1.3 and a very old install too...

Maybe both bugs aren't related. But a 68010 has a VBR and should be able to trap issues more easily than 68000 (which locks up most of the time on bugs)
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