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Old 30 December 2020, 03:39   #3
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SCART works just fine and provides a MUCH better image quality than the usual RF cable that people used with the A520 modulator into TVs back in the day. With CRT TVs, the image looks just like it did on a dedicated monitor (like the ubiquitous 1084S) and even on more modern LCD displays, the image looks very good. Just use an RCA->SCART adapter or a dedicated Amiga RGB->SCART cable and it will work. I have two of my Amigas plugged into TVs that way. If you prefer a monitor, you'll need an Amiga RGB->VGA adaptor. Not all modern monitors are capable of 15kHz of horizontal frequency, thus a scan-doubler might be needed. IMO, a TV is a safer bet because ALL TVs are able to output at 15kHz horizontally.

Two issues, though:

1) LCDs lack the pixel charm of CRTs and don't produce some of the "artefacts" that made the games look the way they did. Some older LCDs are prone to "ghosting". I know CRT is not an option for you, but be mindful of this fact.

2) Mind the aspect ratio. Get a 4:3 LCD TV, maximum 5:4. Anything else will stretch the image too much. I know that some people don't care about this, but IMO it de-virtues the retro experience.

Last edited by PortuguesePilot; 30 December 2020 at 03:45.
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