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Old 12 December 2020, 09:42   #1
Toni Wilen
WinUAE developer
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WinUAE Voodoo 3 emulation testing

PCI Voodoo 3 emulation is mostly complete.


- 16M VRAM (max supported)
- PCI board, PCI bridgeboard must be also configured. Mediator (both A1200 and A4000. A4000 recommended because it does not need PCI banking/windowing), Prometheus and G-REX confirmed working.
- BIOS ROM seems to be required, currently must be in ROM path and named voodoo3.rom. Must be from PCI Voodoo 3 3000. (Can be easily found)
- Native/RTG switching is implemented by checking status of SVGA screen blank bit.
- Confirmed working on OS 3.x and 4.x.
- 3D is supported.

Note: if using Mediator, make sure to run MedConfig, especially when switching between Mediator configurations. Make sure VoodooMemOS is off! Mediator DMA hack + PCI sound card is also supported.

Original post:

PCI Voodoo 3 emulation from PCem is now merged (with usual tweaks, no vblank stuff and other missing pieces that probably only Amiga drivers use. Interrupts are not yet implemented, even in PCem version but at least 2D stuff does not seem to require it)


- 16M VRAM (max supported)
- PCI board, PCI bridgeboard must be also configured. Currently tested only with Mediator in OS 3.1.
- BIOS ROM seems to be required, currently must be in ROM path and named voodoo3.rom. Must be from PCI Voodoo 3 3000. (Can be easily found)
- Native/RTG switching is implemented by checking status of SVGA screen blank bit.
- 3D stuff not tested.
- AmigaOS4 boot screen uses Voodoo 3 but when it gets to WB, it fails to find Voodoo 3 monitor driver. I am not interested in OS4 so as usual this is someone else's problem.
- Must use A4000 Mediator. A1200 Mediator banking is not yet supported.

EDIT: Prometheus and G-REX won't currently work. Voodoo 3 is first emulated PCI device with memory mapping (previous ones only had IO) and there are some differences that are not yet emulated correctly.

Last edited by Toni Wilen; 28 February 2021 at 17:04. Reason: Updated information
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