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Old 25 November 2020, 11:59   #1
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Emulation vs Actual Hardware - is there a difference?

Greetings everyone,

Lately I have been playing a lot of Amiga games again to relive some of my childhood through either WinUAE or FS-UAE and for awhile I have been thinking about getting an actual Amiga again. (I had an Amiga 500+ when I was younger). However the pricing and availability of certain models is quite a lot, not to mention any mods you might want and other things like recapping etc which adds quite a lot to the overall pricing. I don't have any expertise of confidence in my ability to do them myself so there is not even that option to reduce the price a little.

So with all this I wanted to ask what is the difference of playing a game on the actual hardware versus playing through the emulator? I am not asking about the 'feel' as I know the original hardware would 'feel' better but rather the technical aspect. Would I be hindered in any way if I play a game through an emulator as opposed on the original hardware?
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