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Old 15 October 2020, 15:10   #284
Going nowhere
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Originally Posted by Amiganout View Post
There's a clear pattern here of Weaselrama personally attacking and calling for the banning of people who don't accept his point of view.

Why is nobody moderating him?

I'm new to this group and this is the first thread I found and it's obvious there's a toxic atmosphere here and in this thread Weaselrama is more guilty than anyone.

He's rude, he doesn't provide any better reason to accept what he says than he said so, he makes the discussion personal as soon as anybody doesn't agree with him and he's speaking with the puff and arrogance of somebody who is used to getting away with saying anything he likes.

If you have rules of group members making it personal then you shouldn't only moderate those people if they are making comments which aren't entirely pro-Amiga. The rules should apply to everybody, whether they're pro Amiga or not, or whether they're someone who's more involved in the Amiga elsewhere or not.

I notice Galahad can get away with making veiled threats to strangle people and that's ok. Why? Because he is in Fairlight?

So far with only this thread to go on it's like I've joined some twisted nationalist group and anybody who says "you know not all foreigners are awful" gets attacked and bundled out the door.

Moderators, get a grip. Stop giving people a pass no matter what they do as long as they're pro Amiga.
Hello Vascillious

Yes I'm sure that when the moderators and everyone else that read my comment immediately thought, "my gods, someone is in danger from actual strangulation!!!"

I simply suggesting hugging him around the neck, your interpretation of what I was inferring, I couldnt possibly comment on.

You got banned, live with it, its against forum rules to make another account.

You dont actually want to be here, so think of it as EAB's care for the community.
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