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Old 02 April 2004, 08:14   #1
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Post Introduction


What is CARE ?

Goal of this project is the reverse engineering of old retro games from the legendary Commodore Amiga and the modification of those games to own needs. This is achieved by disassembling/decompiling and analyzing the original unmodified binaries and reassembling/recompiling the created/modified sources. Well, everybody can imagine that this is a very time consuming process...

The second possibility to modify the games is to contact the authors and ask them to publish the original source code. Unfortunately in most cases they don't want to publish them, they are not contactable or the sources are lost... :-(

Another main goal is that the modified games shouldn't be a platform migration to a windows based system. The games are released for the original hardware (and - of course - can be emulated e.g. with WinUAE)...

Why - the hell - I'm doing that ?

...there are already so many games for the amiga and for other systems also...

1) Well, I don't know. Maybe it's because I have too much time. :-)

2) It's a great feeling to discover the source of games I played 15 years before and it's also great to find in-game secrets, analyzing programming and game protection techniques and so on... it's simply a good retro feeling...

3) I spent many hours with the amiga in my childhood and now I make a time travel... :-)

4) Why playing these newfangled games from today ?

- Barely no more innovative ideas
- Game copy protections that sometimes prevent the original game(!) to run...
- Buggy games are released only to reach the release date
- ...

5) I want to give some "new" software to the AMIGA community

6) It's fun - not work



Unfortunately it's just me for the moment...


For more informations refer to the home page of CARE...
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Last edited by AmiGer; 08 November 2005 at 07:49.
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