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Old 07 October 2020, 20:18   #57
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It's been pointed out too many times that a x286 PC from 1985 to about 1990 could not in fact do what an Amiga did. The available sound cards did not anticipate CD Audio and could not play the samples the Amiga could. The Amiga was well-positioned for digital audio.

So - right there the PC is eliminated for nothing more than sound.

The PC at this time didn't do picture formats very well. It took a long time to decode a .gif. There just wasn't a lot of software out there to do what the Amiga did well with .gif, .iff, and .ham.

So - graphics and photos on the PC pre-1990/91 couldn't match the Amiga.

However - by 1990, PC games was starting to beat the pants off the Amiga. Point, PC.

It's the same old tired nonsense over and over ad nauseam. "The PC was always better than the Amiga even during the 80s. No, no it wasn't. The PC wasn't better than anything during the 80s.

We've already established that the Amiga was easily a multimedia machine given a true definition of multimedia at the time, not some lame opinion of what you thought the PC could do, which is fantasy. We don't have to meet your silly expectations. The definition of multimedia in 1985 was well-established in...1985 and nobody cares about a one-off fancy graphics card you couldn't have likely gotten your hands on and if you did, you wouldn't have known what to do with it. There was no software you could buy that supported it.
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