Thread: Amiga in Japan
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Old 16 September 2020, 08:23   #29
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Originally Posted by Steril707 View Post
Yep, the X68000 comes across as a very "brute force" machine.

Not really. Yeah it had to bruteforce its bitmaps, but it supported tilemapping in hardware and had a killer sprite engine, all at color depths that blew the Amiga away.

So for 2D scrolling/sprite based stuff it crushed the Amiga, because it could do tile modes and hardware sprites that outstripped anything the Amiga blitter could do.

The Amiga had some advantages in 3D solid-polygon stuff since the Amiga could leverage the blitter for that, but once CPUs got faster the superior VRAM-based truecolor display of the X68000 meant that it could easily outperform the Amiga in the same way MS-DOS machines could.

Where the X68000 fell down was its garbage OS.

EDIT: Now granted, the X68k came out 2 years later (1987), so it did have some extra time to develop vs. OCS, but IMHO the X68k capabilities plus a blitter/copper are what ECS should have been.
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