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Old 04 September 2020, 16:53   #11
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Join Date: Jun 2020
Location: Brno
Posts: 90
I'm sorry if I'm hijacking this thread but I didn't want to create yet another vasm one.

First of all I must thank phx for his work on vasm -- such a great tool!

My problem: Currently I'm working on a quite small project consisting of a few .s files, assembling and linking them together using vasm/vlink (through Amiga-assembly plugin in VSCode). Everything works flawlessly, however when something is wrong it is most probably in a linking phase when linker reports about unsupported relocation (hence why I'm using this thread). Usually I know why it happens yet it is sometimes very hard to figure out the exact line in the code which uses addressing mode which linker has problems with.
For example this error line:
Error 32: Target amigahunk: Unsupported relocation type R_PC (offset=0, size=16, mask=ffffffffffffffff) at Program+0x27de
My guess is that offset exceeds 16bit signed boundary, however it is hard to find which line of code does it since Program section is quite large and offset 0x27de doesn't say much to me.
Is there a way how I could be informed about the line of code which violates restriction or about a symbol which is causing it?
Maybe the answer is obvious?
Thank you.
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