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Old 06 August 2020, 19:00   #3243
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Originally Posted by DamienD View Post
The reason for different size resolutions is to have most of the screen filled while keeping the correct aspect ratio.

Let's say I was to change everything to 720x576; a lot of game screens would be smaller
Methanoid; just to demonstrate what I mean in terms of the differences between running in "Fullscreen 640x480" vs "Fullscreen 720x576"; whilst keeping the correct aspect ratio:

Super Cars @ 640x480:

Super Cars @ 720x576:


Shadow of the Beast @ 640x480:

Shadow of the Beast @ 720x576:


Games in my collection that are set @ Fullscreen 640x480 would have an Amiga gameplay area of 320x200...

Games in my collection that are set @ Fullscreen 720x576 would have an Amiga gameplay area of 320x256...

For example, Banshee is set @ Fullscreen 720x576; the gameplay area is cut off @ Fullscreen 640x480.

Banshee @ 640x480:

Banshee @ 720x576:


Finally, the reason why I choose not to set "Native" and then use a "multiplier" is this.

On your 1920x1080 display, setting a 2x multiplier is good.

On my laptop that has a maximum 1366x768 display, setting a 2x multiplier is too much... I need to set a multiplier of say 1.3x.

How can I accommodate for every different person's "Native" display / resolution settings?

Furthermore, so a multiplier of 1.3x on my laptop is good for games that have an Amiga gameplay area of 320x256; but if I set the same for games that have an Amiga gameplay area of 320x200 then they are too small; like in my "Super Cars @ 720x576" or "Shadow of the Beast @ 720x576" examples.

The method that I chose means that no matter what resolution your computer / monitor is capable of; the gameplay area will always be the same, and maximised for either an Amiga gameplay area of 320x200 or 320x256; depending on whether Fullscreen 640x480 or Fullscreen 720x576 is set

...people just need to turn off fullscreen scaling / stretching on their graphics card, or they'll get "distorts the shape / blurring" like you did

Phew, that was a long post!!! I hope all this makes sense plus explains it adequately; and why I made these display / resolution decisions that I did?

Trust me, there is method to my madness

Last edited by DamienD; 09 August 2020 at 14:50.
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