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Old 26 June 2020, 01:28   #17
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Originally Posted by mcgeezer View Post
There is nothing worse in a shooter where enemies take an age to destroy, with the exception being end of level / mid level bosses.
I tend to agree, though it can sometimes work if paired with well designed levels and weapons (as in, very rarely it can make a game much more tense in a good way). Usually though it's not done well.

On that topic, I've also never really liked the "invulnerable, but reacting to hits as if vulnerable" type of enemies you sometimes see. Quite infuriating when you shoot an enemy for the entire time it's on the screen only for it to not blow up and just keep flying off.
Originally Posted by coder76 View Post
So it seems that Amiga was a complex enough machine, that most teams didn't have the skill or resources to make both a complex game with a technically smooth implementation.
The big problem is that the easy way of doing scrolling on the Amiga normally takes too much memory, so you have to use more complicated methods. Not really a big deal for horizontal scrolling, but Copper based vertical scrolling can be a bit of pain to get right. The bigger deal, I think, is that not everyone knew of these methods back in the day. What seems logical to me now may not have been to those early coders.

In the case of the Bitmap Brothers and Xenon, however, I'm not convinced it was lack of programming ability (mainly because their later Amiga games were scrolling/running a lot better than their earlier efforts). It rather seems to me that they initially deliberately chose to keep their games relatively similar across their various platforms.
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