Thread: Use of MOVE16
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Old 25 June 2020, 13:11   #20
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Originally Posted by Thomas Richter View Post
There is a difference between "I am using it for my own fun on my own hardware" and "I want to provide software for others with wide applicability". As long as this is "for me for fun", do what you like, it does not matter whether it breaks on somebody else's machine, his problem. As soon as you create system software (such as an operating system) it becomes your problem whether the software you provide runs correctly as it may damage other people's installations. Then don't.

Frankly, over the last 30 years of Amiga progamming, I had more than enough problems with incompetent third party patches, creating problems on *my* side as a developer causing failures of my software, and I would prefer if authors would be a bit more conservative with programs they provide to the public. In case of failure, it really troublesome and anyoing to hunt down somebody else's bugs.

Look, I get where you're coming from. There may well be some very early 68040 cards that do not set burst inhibit properly and instead rely entirely on cache control to avoid burst. This is a broken design, but whatever, they exist.

Having released code just not work with no explanation or no idea where the problem is coming from would be very aggravating.

But by that same argument we should never use EHB mode because EHB didn't exist on the early NTSC A1000s.

My argument is that the number of cards without burst inhibit are very small, and that's not reason not to use faster code just because some can't use it. Instead just leave an optional setting for people who have these cards to use slower code.

It's not the responsibility of the coder to always nerf his code because there's a small number of systems with a broken design.
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