Thread: I resign...
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Old 12 June 2020, 18:41   #61
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I can't imagine all the countless chores you've done on the back-end of EAB, maintaining it and keeping it running.

I try to be very exact and precise in my language and I do my best, although I'm as human as anyone else, to avoid directly insulting anyone. If you felt insulted by me, I apologize. I'm as bad as anyone - no, I'm as bad as YOU about digging my heels in and not listening to what people are trying to tell me via constructive criticism.

I think the basic intent of those messages you were referring to above was this: We didn't want the FTP/The Zone! touched in any way *because it was never necessary in the first place.* We simply wanted everyone to understand that there's no legal difference between games, OS's, kickstarts, or apps. We live in a glass house and we need to drop the stones because *any* of those items are subject to a suit filed by the license holder. The caveat to all this is that 98% of all that stuff is 20 years old or older and the license holders no longer seem to care about "lost revenue" in providing it for download.

If the license holder for OS 3.9 was active - Apollo would already have been shut down. Still, and especially since 3.1.4 is an active OS with an active license holder so far as I know, its a good idea to eliminate OS's and Kickstarts from EAB at least at the present time. I can't speak for OS 4.x - don't know, don't care. This is the last time I will mention the name of that particular company on EAB.

All Amigans live by the grace of the inaction/disinterest of the original license holders of a whole lot of product created for the Amiga platform.

What I saw was a difference of opinions with some digging their heels in taking a "moral/ethical" stance and if others didn't share their morals they were somehow unworthy. There was never a moral issue here - merely a legal one.

Damien, for your work on the WHDLoad games, we are in your debt. I hope you continue on as a "user" and continue to provide your in-depth knowledge to the community-at-large. Be well.
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