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Old 11 May 2020, 14:20   #6
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Originally Posted by dreadnought View Post
PSX is one of my most used consoles, probably gets more play than the other pre-HD 3D gen ones.

It gets a lot of bad rep for the allegedly "ugly" gfx, which is supposed to have "aged badly" etc, but I think it's a rather unfair opinion. For me, with the retro-mindset switched on, the concept of aging does not apply.
Either something was ugly then and it still is now, or it isn't. And comparing the early gfx to the latest offerings seems kinda pointless.

There is a whole bunch of awesome looking 3D games on PSX. Tiltles like Einhander, Nuclear Ops, R-Type Delta, Omega Boost, Gran Tourismo, Grandia and many others are really impressive even now, and others, like Syphon Filter or Driver still impress with their technical achievement. There's of course also a heap of bad-looking turds, but that's the same with any platform from any generation.

Most importantly though, these games are still immensely playable. I can sink countless hours into Twisted Metal or Vandal Hearts and its ilk.

As for 2D, my only huge regret is that there were only so few of these titles. PSX has outputted in 240p and still absolutely kills it when displayed on a CRT. And gfx in games like Castlevania, Metal Slug, In The Hunt or Lomax leaves SNES way, way behind.
Theres nothing "unfair" about it, the 3D on most of the PS1 titles looks objectively bad today, and coupled with the low resolution, it doesn't help.

That isn't to say that all looked bad, a few were alright, but in the thousands of games that were released for the the system and the over reliance on 3D gaming, lots visually just haven't stood the test of time well.

You're welcome to your opinion, but mine can't be "unfair", its how I see it.
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