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Old 24 April 2020, 20:44   #17
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So here's my opinion on the issue. First off about Patreon itself:

As a developer and while I'm not really interested in it, I can fully understand other devs using it. As I said above, it takes a large amount of your time to create content and regular updates. Writing articles on a weekly basis, producing tutorials and videos and sharing all kinds of detailed info about the develompent process takes much time and energy. I see no moral ambiguity there, so long the devs who maintain these pages don't just post snippets of info (as Damien implied) but actually produce good and plentiful quality content.

Besides content, Patreon also gives to the public the opportunity to actively support the dev in question and the development of his/her projects. This is completely different than an one-off donation or just buying the finished product. It's also different from kickstarter or other crowd funding methods in that it allows the supporter to be part of the process, providing motivation and verifying the project's progress on a monthly basis.

With the above in mind and in regards to Patreon posts and EAB in particular I'd fully agree with the gents before me. There's nothing wrong posting links that lead to free info.
But saying 'hey, here's some info about my game -> link -> paywall' rightfully pisses people off.
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