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Old 14 March 2020, 11:41   #119
Inviyya Dude!
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My 5 cents about this:
I am a huge fan of Indieretronews, and I am happy that they cover my game.
Personally, I don't really care where they get their information from, as long as it's accurate.

But let's say, I posted something here and they take this information and make a news post about this (which I appreciate).

Damien, why do you really care then that the information was taken from an EAB post? I mean, in the end it's content that I created as a EAB user. Don't mistake me here, I really like the EAB, but it's not like the forum or its mods created the content. It's its users that do.

So, I don't quite get your line of reasoning here or why you are upset, to be honest...
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