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Old 14 March 2020, 03:06   #118
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I wasn't going to get involved. Honestly, there's a thousand things more important in this world than Amiga scene politics, and I wasted emotional energy over the last flare up, but I felt there needed to be some balance and perspective. So I'm going to share this, unsubscribe from the thread, and not take any further part in it.

Firstly, this is the day and age of social media. People that like things are going to share them on their social media feeds. If someone posts a link on EAB to a YouTube video or an Aminet page, and other people like it, those people are likely to share the YouTube video or the Aminet page rather than the thread. It's also possible they may have seen it through another forum or subscriptions first.

Secondly, there's numerous retro or Amiga groups on Facebook, and one of the largest Amiga groups (Commodore Amiga, 23,069 members) is administered by Neil himself. If people are talking about something in the Amiga scene, Neil will see it.

Thirdly, in the example of Dread at least, that appears to be exactly what happened. Per-Ola saw a public posting by another Facebook user, told IRN about it, and then there was a story created.

My two cents is this:

- If the text only on EAB was copied/paraphrased and pasted on the IRN story without a link, then sure - absolutely that isn't fair.
- But if it's merely linking to a public link that could have been and probably was shared on social media, it's not reasonable to assume anyone from IRN saw it here first (presumption of innocence).

- Neil confirmed to me with screenshots that the Dread story indeed came from Per-Ola showing him the YouTube video.
- He also confirmed to me with screenshots that the Red Pill Puzzle story came from Per-Ola and another source sharing the Saberman YouTube video with him.
- He also confirmed to me that, as with Tapper, he continues to link EAB when EAB actually is the source of his information.
- Finally, he opined (and I agree) that he constantly receives criticism - who he posts about or doesn't post about, what games he does or doesn't post about, what links he does or doesn't include, and he's left to receive the beatup with little support. He will be falsely accused of stealing information from EAB, but not recognized when he posts the link to EAB when it was his actual source.

Last edited by earok; 14 March 2020 at 03:37.
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