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Old 09 February 2020, 19:43   #456
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Originally Posted by roondar View Post
For Amiga games, however, it seems to me there's pretty much always one or two people pointing out that ports are a "waste of time".
I guess such harping on can be annoying and not very constructive.

Admittedly I did catch myself thinking sometime that I'd much rather see a new original game than yet another port. But that's something I keep to myself, for aforementioned reasons. Lots of people like these ports and coders are free to do whatever they want with their time.

Also, mcgeezer's point about ports being a coding practice and experience building exercise, which benefits other projects later on is pretty good. Never thought about it this way.

There's also the thing that since now I have a real Amiga I look at them a bit differently. I want to run whatever new stuff I can on this veberable old machine, seems to make the old girl happy - even demos, which I've never really cared for that much either before. So, bring them on

@DamienD Love Dungeon looks very cute and funny, especially seing that I loved the original on the ZX, it was one of the first games I've ever finished. Will try it out in a minute

The fact they even made a PLI4 version for somebody's 4 y.o. daughter is also very sweet.
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