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Old 07 February 2020, 14:56   #439
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Originally Posted by mcgeezer View Post
It’s sometimes not always about what the gamer wants, but what the programmer wants to achieve on the platform they love.

Doing a near perfect port of an arcade game is not at all easy and don’t under-estimate the amount of effort that goes into it.
The two games i have ported have been enhanced for the amiga, and you wont get that on MAME.
Originally Posted by VincentGR View Post
I agree with mc.
Of course it's up to the coder to do whatever he wants and it's polite to ask the community for suggestions.
As for the arcade ports, yes. We have MAME but it is a challenge an a filling gap having a game that we needed so bad back then.
I've always found part of the Amiga community's reaction to ports a bit odd.

I'm also a fairly active C64 user (but more of a forum lurker/collector) and I almost never see comments about ports being "useless" or "unnecessary" because of versions for other/better platforms/MAME existing. On the contrary, people are usually very positive about such ports and enjoy seeing the C64 getting pushed to do games above it's specs.

Also lurked about a bit on Atari and Sega forums, where the same thing goes: new games/ports are usually accepted and celebrated.

It's a strange thing to me to see these recurring posts about why people shouldn't bother with Amiga ports. To me, "Arcade Perfect" is a lofty goal, but not a requirement to still enjoy or even be amazed by some ports. All* new Amiga games are great to my eyes and I love to see just how close to better hardware we can get

*) For some values of "all", there's always bad games as well
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