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Old 10 January 2020, 10:07   #15
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Originally Posted by Foebane View Post
The superhires sprite is used for the scroll on the left at 4:26, but it seems that the YouTube videos can't capture such a high resolution, or was emulated that way. I have the same issue in WinUAE, unless I use the SuperHires option. But it's still cool!
Yeah, it's a nice effect alright. True, WinUAE will normally only render the high res pixels by default, you have to turn on super highres pixels to get all the detail and subtleties like quarter-pixel positioning.

So how are the colours chosen in AGA sprites?
By default, they're the same as OCS/ECS sprites for compatibility with non-AGA software (pens 8-15 for 15-colour sprites, or split into 4 banks of 4 for each pair of 3-colour sprites, with the first pen of each sprite transparent). Under AGA however, you can switch that bank of 16 pens to another bank elsewhere, including beyond the colour range of the current screen (e.g. pens 0-31 for the bitmaps on a 32-colour screen, pens 32-47 for the sprites). Additionally, you can set a different bank of 16 colours for even and odd sprites, meaning effectively you can have a unique palette for all 8 3-colour sprites, and all independent of the bitmap graphics colours if you use 128 colours or fewer. All 15-colour sprites still have to share a single bank unfortunately, but at least that bank can still be anywhere in the 256 colour range.

Oh GOD, tell me about it. Speaking as someone who mainly programmed in BASIC on the Atari 8-bit in the 1980s, I can personally attest to this difficulty, and it made sprite-based games in BASIC too slow for the most part.
Same here The standard Atari Basic was a little too slow for most things alright. I managed to build a decent Pong clone using sprites, but the diagonal movement of the ball jittered because it simply couldn't update the vertical position within the vertical blank interrupt.
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