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Old 24 December 2019, 00:24   #47
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Originally Posted by str0m View Post
grelbfarlk - Does your TV have a "Game mode", my Samsung 55" does, you have to turn it on for each input source if relevant. If it isn't on then the TV still does all it's fancy image processing which looks better but ends up with input lag. I wondered what on earth was happening when I first tried my Xbox One on the TV till I found it.
I tested it a little more and turned on "Game Mode" and turned off all of the 120hz stuff. Lag now is reduced but there's still a little bit there. I tried it on a Dell 24" monitor with HDMI that supports 15khz over VGA, and there's a hint of lag there too. It's not much but it's noticeable.

What I am finding is a major downside to this adaptor is that I can't seem to get PAL screens to fit vertically, they expand past the edge of the screens on the top and bottom. It fits horizonally but doesn't seem to be stretched wide enough. Both the TV or the monitor don't allow a vertical stretch over HDMI. Unless there's something I'm missing here, I've tried booting in early startup as PAL and also tried Degrader.
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