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Old 07 November 2019, 22:08   #86
Bruce Abbott
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Originally Posted by Gorf View Post
Why would you care?

Honestly: why are you posting in a Python thread, if you think it is all "shit" and "shit pile on top of shit"?

Why would you even expect someone to answer your question, after the attitude you showed?
You don't understand. 90% of everything is shit. I have tried Python 2 and can confirm that it is shit. But Python 3 is supposed to be less shitty than Python 2. And it's incompatible, so why would I bother with the older, shittier version?

Python 2 vs 3
Python 3 was released to fix problems present in Python 2. The nature of these changes meant that Python 3 was incompatible with Python 2...

I am new to Python. Should I learn Python 2 or Python 3?

Python 3 fixes many of the problems that are present in Python 2. Python 3 is also the future of the language since Python 2 will be retired in 2020. It's therefore recommended that beginners learn Python 3. Moreover, if you're going to write new code, Python 3 is the one to choose. Eevee's blog article gives a detailed explanation of all the good things in Python 3.

If you've to maintain legacy Python 2 code, it's still best to learn Python the right way from Python 3.
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