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Old 13 October 2019, 07:43   #4
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Join Date: Jul 2017
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Posts: 355
First impressions on real CD32, TF330, ClassicWB + KTRL32 and Competition Pro

Plays very smooth, feels better than on UAE

Some minor glitches/nice to haves if I may..
- entering a password works only once. Even though the password stays there the next time you hit the main menu and it says e.g. "start round 4" but it starts round 1. You have to re-type the password to start round 4 (or whatever round) again.
- sound glitches occasionally when dying, the fight sound gets repeated fast
- I noticed a split second delay when jumping (using 2nd button, haven't tried single button mode yet). press the button, stumble for a split sec, jump. the scrolling stumbles as well.
- would be cool to have the high scores saved
- and finally a pause/resume button for us CD32 pad users would be great. super extra: map some of the cheat buttons to the pad.

The game's very addicting and feels very arcade-y. Thanks again mcgeezer for it and jotd for the slave.
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