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Old 10 September 2019, 04:55   #1
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Posts: 169
Feature requests for next WinUAE release

Hi Toni,

I have a few small feature requests for the next release of WinUAE:

1. Hotkey combinations to send Ctrl-Alt-Del and Ctrl-Alt-Esc to the emulator without Windows intercepting them, for use with Bridgeboard emulation. For example, with VirtualBox it is possible to use RightCtrl-Del to send Ctrl-Alt-Del to a guest OS. Something similar for BB in WinUAE would be nice for soft reset and AT BIOS Setup access.

2. I'd like to have 5.25" HD PC (1.2MB) floppy size added to the "New Floppy Disk Image" selector in the Floppy Drives panel.

3. Currently, the RTC Offset specified in the Advanced Chipset panel (to the right of the RTC type selection) is not saved in the config file, and I'd like to have a way to save it. Persistent clock offset is useful for non-Y2K compliant programs. I typically use an offset of -946684800 seconds (30 years) so I still get correct time and date, but the year is 30 years in the past.

I think these are pretty small requests that should be easy to implement, and while not absolutely essential, I think would be nice to have.

Thanks for all your work!
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