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Old 07 September 2019, 10:17   #15
This cat is no more
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z80 -> C that's something that can be done. I've already done 6502 -> C -> 68000/x86/nintendo ds myself for my oric ports and it works.

But I know 6502 and the target very well, and I borrowed stuff from a 6502 emu for tough things like condition codes etc... Not the case with Z80. I may not be the adequate person for this project...

Yesterday I tried to recompile MAME (0.35b12, with amiga parts) with gcc 6. Succeeded building & linking it. Running: lockup right at start software failure ... damn it's never easy.

That gave me the opportunity to look at how it was done, and video refresh (the main culprit of the slowdowns on amiga) seems to use "dirty" areas & asm c2p (that I had to build with vasm -Faout so gcc could understand it). So it's not doing a full screen refresh already. I hoped we could speed this up... maybe the CPU parts with gcc 6. Well, maybe I'll debug it... maybe I'll drop it.
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