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Old 30 July 2019, 19:41   #5
DamienD's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Gzegzolka View Post
Hi team,
I made little update for this collection:
Inside is 28 demos on various coverdisks, some games are on single disks, on some disks there are more games. I try to collect different demos that somehow are different from final versions. Some demos got different levels made specialy for different magazines, some got different stuff that were cut from final versions.
I have some more demos but I do not know how to cut them from cd32 disks or run them from wb as stand alone.
Regarding this; firstly let me thank Gzegzolka for sourcing files and putting something together

I haven't said that I will or won't include some of this stuff in my official update packs at some stage; just got a lot happening personally at the moment, therefore don't have the time to go through and organise properly etc...

You guys know that I'm a perfectionist right? It's those high standards, small details and extra effort that I put in which makes my collection what it is.

As mentioned, I haven't had the time to really go through Gzegzolka's pack... my next points are not meant to be negative, it's just a quick list of things that I would need to do in order to include at some stage.
  • Convert any .ADZ or .DMS files to .ADFs.
  • Run files through TOSEC .DATs for correct naming; if not found rename correctly manually.
  • Title / screenshots not centered.
  • Most configuration files are set to "Windowed" so need to be set as "Fullscreen" and then either "640x480" or "720x576" selected accordingly.
  • Configuration files have Diskswapper entries still listed from the base games they were copied from so need removing.
  • Check all configuration file settings thoroughly and then test everything.

Brief game notes:

... Alien Breed 3D DEMO 3 - Needs to be setup / installed onto a self-booting / bare bones .HDF
... Superfrog DEMO 2 - remove "one54_1993_03_d2_002.png" and "one54_1993_03_d2_004.png" from the <gamedir>.
... Superfrog DEMO 3 - remove "superfrog1 CU Amiga_002.png" from the <gamedir>.
... Wolfchild DEMO - Create a new disk that only contains the Wolfchild demo and boots directly.

Also, I've assisted Gzegzolka with these:

Originally Posted by Gzegzolka

I try to make my demos pack to be compatible with Your collection. There are some minor little changes, but everything can be changed back in winuae settings - like switch full screen/window display or control scheme. My pack is not as perfect as Your updates. I just stick to one simple rule - if demo have nothing more than level or few levels from final version and end-screen that "full version will be finished soon" it is not worth to be included in my update.

Some stuff could be done better:
- Alien Breed 3D second demo is just a bootable folder with files, it could be changed into hdf file.
- Wolfchild demo also is no perfect, it require interrupt booting with Ctrl+D combination and type wolf.exe in cli otherwise coverdisk will load different game. [DamienD - Fixed, self-booting disk created]

Some stuff could be added in near future in Your updates:
- Fears first demo that look more like wolfenstein, but it require to run it from workbench. [DamienD - Fixed, self-booting disk created]
- Marvin Marvelous Advanture got demo on CD32 Gamer issue 5 there are some different sprites, monsters and graphics. It would be cool to just cut this demo from cd rather that putting cd image into Your collection that is full of other boring stuff. [DamienD - Extracted files from CD compilation, got intro running from HD and created a self-booting .HDF]

Originally Posted by majestyx View Post
Thanks for this unofficial add-on. Would be cool to see others do the same so Damien can keep his core collection the way he wants it while others (like me, and I'm sure numerous additional members here) who are OCD and want items outside of the core can add them on.
Obviously people could make their own "unofficial" update packs for my collection.

Guess the point I'm trying to make is that they won't be as well made / tested / perfect as what mine are... if that doesn't bother you then all good...

The other thing to note is that obviously I can't support these, so if there are issues I won't be looking into / fixing them.

Last edited by DamienD; 31 July 2019 at 16:25.
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