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Old 04 July 2019, 15:59   #212
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While the Amiga had pre-emptive multitasking pretty much from the get-go in AmigaOS, Windows didn't get it until Win95. They didn't actually make it stable until the non-corporate versions of NT came out (Win2k, XP).

Win3.11 used cooperative multitasking. Rather than the OS putting the brakes on an application and allowing other apps to take control for a slice of time, Windows 3.11 relied on the applications gracefully allowing other apps to run. So if you had an application that sat there grinding away at some lengthy calculation or somesuch, other apps (including Windows itself) didn't get a look-in; a total freeze up of the system.

If the application caused a segfault or an exception then you would never get your desktop back.

Windows didn't catch up with Workbench/AmigaOS for more than a decade and even then it was bug-ridden right up beyond Windows ME.

Whether or not there were better bundled apps (word, notepad et al) is a completely different matter and substantially nothing to do with the underlying operating system's quality or fitness for purpose.
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