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Old 02 July 2019, 23:52   #161
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Originally Posted by Gilbert View Post
Was anyone else disappointed with the A1200?

Most Amiga users and magazines seemed to be very happy with the A1200 when it came out. I wasn't at all, and a look at the first games pretty much ended my association with Amiga gaming. I just saw the same games with more colours and a bit smoother. There was no wow factor. After that I stuck with the Amiga 500 (with half meg memory expansion) and my Super Famicom (Jap SNES).

Here's what Commodore got wrong in my opinion

1. Too much focus on creating higher-res screen modes with more colours (and also making the blitter work in these different screen modes) and not enough on enhancing gaming(8 or maybe 16 sprites when the comparitively old Megadrive and SNES could manage 64 and 128 respectively). It's a bit like the original Amiga - yes it can display 4096 colours on screen, but the majority of the games for the system were 16 colours (Albeit some had added some Copper magic) and most didn't even run at 50/60 fps. That was fine back in 1985 but 7 years(!) later you expect a significant upgrade.

2. There was a mild improvement to dual playfield mode. Great!... when the SNES had 5(?) playfields and could scale and rotate whole screens. Commodore seemed to have no sense they were competing here....

2. Sound chip needed 6 channels to get a decent track playing with sound effects. Again SNES and Megadrive have 6 channels each. Using the same sound chip from 1985 was ridiculous!

3. Like the original Amiga, if you wanted to get a good number of objects on screen with a lot of colours and scrolling, you had to spend ages using hardware tricks or specific techniques. Time = money and developers aren't going to want to spend 2 years making an arcade quality game on the A1200 when simpler systems exist....

I do have a CD32 now, but it's not very impressive from a technical point of view, even the mighty Banshee is bettered on both the SNES and Megadrive. The reason I like it is because it offers something a bit different and it's an Amiga It's fairly obvious it had no hope of competing long term. I just find it hard to see what Commodore was thinking with the AGA architecture??

Yes, I was disappointed. It was too little, too late in terms of both hardware and software. The price I paid for it was higher than a better-performing i486-50Mhz. I ran several benchmarks that confirmed that even with my 68030 accelerator running at 50Mhz that my A1200 was slightly slower than a 486-33Mhz. My PC could also be easily expanded with new graphics cards that supported OpenGL as well. Running Quake 2 under OpenGL was an amazing experience at that time. The high cost and poor performance of my a A1200 were what pushed me into the world of PC's, Linux and Windows. By the time the A1200 was released, PC hardware had surpassed what the Amiga had to offer. I have no doubt that the Amiga would still be alive in some form today had it not been purchased by Commodore. Commodore's only interested was in selling commodity computers in bulk with no interest in keeping the Amiga competitive with other hardware offerings.
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