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Old 09 June 2019, 11:26   #18
Thomas Richter
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Originally Posted by Rango View Post
Hi guys. I've decided i'm going to learn C programming (from C programming A modern approach 2nd edition C99) but is practicing C (C99?) coding on real Amiga 1200 or 500+ hardware a good idea?
No. First of all, the compilers are a bit outdated, and second, the community that could help you in case you get stuck is too small. C is supported both by Linux and Windows very well, and that seems to be a much better entry point to me.

Second, what is it what you attempt to do? Is C the right language? For smaller projects, I found python quite interesting and easier to learn, for larger projects, C++ is certainly more helpful to get your code organized.
Originally Posted by Rango View Post
I also looked into Arm Cortex STM32 development boards which are way faster 52Mhz but flash memory is only 64Kb so not much one can do with graphics hence my interest in real amiga with ~2000Kb of Ram. Also i don't think anyone uses original cpu amiga cycle as everyone is using accelerators now a days so that would also be most likely implemented and hence original cpu cycle non issue.
I'm not quite sure on what you are after. Is it hardware programming, looking for a particular language to do that? Is it learning to program (then don't look at particular hardware)? Is it solving a particular problem you have, and looking for a hardware and a development platform that would keep this simple?
Originally Posted by Rango View Post
The goal would be to perfect C on real hardware but not as advanced as PC or Linux.
Why do you need "hardware" for that? You don't bang the hardware directly, neither on PC, Linux nor Amiga. If you want to create some graphics easily, I would suggest to go for C, and build on top of libSDL (simple direct media library), which is a cross-platform media library that is quite simple to use, and works quite nicely to get rewarded quickly.
Originally Posted by Rango View Post
Baby steps is goal here, hence 16 bit attempt. The Amiga advantage here is RAM but disadvantage is CPU cycle speed unless accelerated.
Do you have a problem to solve that is CPU bound? If not, do not mind about the hardware.
Originally Posted by Rango View Post
The only problem i see is humongous price tag on A1200 with ~$550USD price tag.

Maybe Raspberry Pi 3 with emulation but isn't that going to create just debug nightmare?

Maybe amiga has too many eccentricities that C programming practice would not be ideal? Thoughts guys?
First of all, understand what you want, and why you want to learn programming. With that information ready, more help will become available.

With as little as I know now, I would suggest Windows or Linux, Visual Studio or gcc, and look into libSDL which will give you some nice graphics quite easily, without going through all the hassle of the operating system layers.
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