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Old 08 June 2019, 14:36   #13
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Originally Posted by Rango View Post
Hi guys. I've decided i'm going to learn C programming (from C programming A modern approach 2nd edition C99) but is practicing C (C99?) coding on real Amiga 1200 or 500+ hardware a good idea? Or is there better way to practice your code on?
Your intention is not absolutely clear to me. What is the goal? Just to learn (standard, portable) C or to write a game in it, as you mentioned in a following post?

You can learn C everywhere, if you restrict yourself to the library functions defined by ISO-C. The code will be perfectly portable and can be compiled and run on any system with a valid C compiler. Pick the system and development environment you are most comfortable with.

For a game you will usually have to select a target architecture, unless it is a really simple game (without graphics and sound) or uses a portable game library (like SDL, which hurts performance, especially on older/slower systems). Here you have to learn everything about the target's hardware and operating system, which has not necessarily much to do with C.

I would also recommend to learn C on different architectures at once if you ever want to write good, portable code. Especially little-endian and big-endian, 16 or 32-bit and 64-bit.
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